Imposter Syndrome

Have you heard of this "Imposter Syndrome"? I would be surprised if you haven't.

Or maybe because my life is all about finding my voice, who are you as an artist, or what am I doing with my creative voice.... this concept is all over!

Imposter Syndrome refers to feeling inadequacy and self-doubt, despite evidence of one's accomplishments and abilities. And as a self-taught artist, it is around me all the time!

So, I've been thinking about it a lot lately. And I still have issues (after 12 years of painting) with imposter syndrome. What would it feel like as a new artist or a person wanting to begin a creative practice? It would be so hard!

Looking at Google and thinking about what I have learned over the last few years, here is a list of 5 things to help you understand Imposter Syndrome and try and overcome it.

1: Embrace your authenticity: In this age of social media, it's easy to compare ourselves to others and feel like we don't measure up. However, remember that what people choose to showcase online is often a carefully curated highlight reel. Embrace your unique qualities and experiences, and focus on being true to yourself rather than seeking validation from others. Look at what makes you happy when creating and do more of that.

2: Celebrate your achievements: Instead of downplaying them, learn to recognize and celebrate them. When someone comments on your image, remember the positive comments. Take time to acknowledge your progress and credit yourself for your hard work and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Even if that is congratulating yourself for showing up to create or finishing a project. Nothing is too small to acknowledge your progress!

3: Cultivate a creative support network: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people online and offline. Engage with communities that share similar interests. Seek out mentors or role models who can provide guidance and encouragement. A strong support network can help you gain perspective, validate your experiences, and remind you that you are not alone in your feelings. Find friends that want to create with you; this is an excellent start to a creative community.

4: Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and faces challenges along their journey. Instead of being overly critical, treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you would extend to a friend. Remind yourself that failure and setbacks are natural parts of growth and learning. You are growing as an artist each step through the difficult times.

5: Limit social media consumption: While social media can provide valuable connections and information, excessive use can fuel comparison and self-doubt. Set healthy boundaries for your social media consumption. Consider reducing your time spent scrolling through feeds and focusing on activities that nourish your well-being and boost your self-esteem.

Remember, overcoming Imposter Syndrome is an ongoing process, and you must be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate these feelings. By implementing these practices, you can cultivate a healthier mindset and embrace your true worth.


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